carbon emissions

All posts tagged carbon emissions

Airplane/ Aeroplane fuel efficiency


Airplanes use the vast majority of their fuel relative to  horizontal distance traveled, on takeoff  and relatively little cruising at high altitudes and on descent.

Short flights of perhaps up to 3 hours  are therefore the most wasteful and carbon polluting.

These short flights  could be curtailed where there are alternatives such as delaying meetings or online meetings or efficient ground transport, however long haul international flights which are by far the most efficient and have no alternative should be resumed as soon as possible for the sake of bringing the worlds peoples together not separating them.

Carbon Dioxide emitted at high altitude, being only slightly heavier than air ,may remain at high altitude and have a much greater greenhouse effect than carbon dioxide emitted at a ground level; If so ,then research must be done into ways to reduce such emissions from aircraft or reduce their effect. Hadley and Ferrel cell circulations may return it to the surface  ?

.–  b. e. jensen