I have posted this in the hope that I can add one voice to all the others who wish /demand that all nuclear weapons held by Russia and USA and all others be dismantled permanently starting now!! right now !
I believe that whoever started this nuclear arms race ,must continue to take steps to end it.
Within the next few months there will be 8 billion (8 thousand million)human beings on this our one and only Earth home and I believe that most of them wish to survive and be happy and fulfilled.
Even if 1 billion of us could agree on one thing with utter conviction then it must happen .
Surely this one thing would be elimination of all nuclear weapons,
then preservation of self sustaining ecosystems i.e. wilderness ,via recognition of our place in nature with the help of the original peoples of the lands in which we live ; thus if we remember to love ,respect each other and our Earth home we will slow down and bring ourselves back into balance with natural cycles .
We have to accept and love each other, compromise where we don’t agree ,discuss openly to find truth and not be ruled by our fickle emotions which can change in an instant ,what can seem real and immutable may not be .
We can no longer pretend innocence and bury our heads in the sand staying in Plato’s cave of ignorance thinking that we can forever live a little happy cave life with our partner / family and let the rest be taken care of by somebody else,I remember somebody telling me once nearly 30 years ago, it is a case of eternal innocence or eternal vigilance, I think it’s clear now we have to choose the latter
Realise that most of what we think we know is assumption .
We can learn much via the Internet however algorithms are constantly honed to give us what we want and like , not necessarily the truth, we must seek it earnestly for ourselves. “We hear what we want to hear and disregard the rest “ The boxer Simon and Garfunkel
PS the mushroom cloud picture is from a British Nuclear test on the Montebello Islands , Australia June 1956, one month after I was born These were kept secret for 50 years .
I was shocked when I read the report in an almanac I was browsing ,it read radioactive clouds over Cloncurry(Queensland,near where I was born) radioactive Iodine hundreds of times normal.
The relevance here and the only reason I mention it ,is that I had a stroke when a young man and bladder cancer from unknown causes, mother had a life full of diseases , breast cancer and subsequent mastectomy , thyroid disease finally dying quite young ,though this could be genetic ,however one doctor told me her symptoms were classic signs exposure to radiation.
These radioactive clouds travel thousands of kilometres from the origin, therefore
If there is widespread nuclear war there will be no escape for most of us ,that is why we must prevent it ever happening.