Hi my name is Edwin Jensen .I offer an Ecological concepts consultancy along with insights and ideas about General Science and Ecology
Naturetrips – Ecological concepts consultancy
Nature tips from nature trips
I offer a consultancy and will consult on a wide range of issues since most or all are in my view , ecologically bound.
Please contact me via info@naturetrips.com.au
Client profile
I am an individual with many years experience as a biology teacher and forest conservation campaigner but my true gifts/passion are as scientist/philosopher and inventor .
In a 10 year period I produced provisional patents and prototypes for many inventions ,my motivation was as an artist the prototype was my painting ,to me completely original and my thrill was to create it from a theory/idea which conceived .I was not motivated by money ,finding a niche market or something that people needed .
After being awakened to more important issues e.g. original native forests (old growth) I confined my inventiveness to that cause and to wider environmental problems .
I have detailed proposals on carbon sequestration ,other ideas such as solar platforms and harnessing the energy of the wind in forests and storing energy in trees and tall buildings are to be shown as artists impressions and sketches on the website.
Other inventions in the past have ranged from folding cups to folding bicycles and educational toys some of these I will outline on my general inventions page.
I would like to offer my services as a scientist /ecologist and as an inventor or new ideas and devices to solve problems where a technological solution is required .I will consult on many issues .I have a number of theories covering wide range of topics which I would like to publish in some form also
I hope my site naturetrips.com.au gives people a sense of who I am and what I might be capable of providing them.
Everybody who is drawn to the keywords particularly those who can see that my fundamental purpose is to help the world and its people and that is the main reason I need the income they will help provide through the site