Carbon sink –Plans sent to global ideas bank and later virgin earth challenge -Years ago, I proposed detailed plans to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere at fossil fuel powered, power plants by pumping the exhaust for chimney stacks into cooling ponds infused with an alga(seaweed,single celled or filamentous) which should grow rapidly in the warm co2 rich water ,the alga would then be removed regularly either by scraping the surface or filtering depending on the types of algae used . The alga could then be compressed and stored transformed into various products including paper or used as a food . Tissue from certain algae can be used as a paper substitute without much transformation i.e. it can be written on directly.
Car co2 vacuums Around the same time I also thought of using cars to vacuum co2 as they drive by drawing air into the car by vacuum fan e.g.even when idling they could draw in co2 and use carbon scrubbers to remove it .